I can't get Show to work together with VdxPage on a shape in my visual overview. I want the button/shape that opens a specific VdxPage to only be visible if a Card Variable is not empty. Is there something I'm missing or is this not supposed to work? As soon as I remove the VdxPage related shape data then the Show shape data works as intended.

Sorry for the ambiguity. I’ve updated the question with a screenshot.
Try linking your shape to an element or a view. E.g. add shape data 'element' and value '*' or shape data 'view' and value '[this view]'. Had similar behavior in the past.
This fixed it. According to the docs this shouldn’t be necessary but it seems like it still is.
Is it possible to provide some more information on this?
Could you share how you are using them in the first place (ie shape data + value), because there’s a Show for basic and also for extended shape manipulation.
Perhaps a screenshot might be useful as well