When I use the contextmenu on a Visio and click the "Edit in Visio..." option, then I get an error (Could not load visio file: ... ).
I have Visio 2016 installed and it works when I separately try to open it, save something...
I recently upgraded to Windows 11, so I don't know sure if that's related.
Note: I'm running DataMiner
Did anyone encounter this already and knows a solution?
Pieter-Jan Vuylsteke [SLC] [DevOps Member] Selected answer as best 16th March 2022
Hi Pieter-Jan,
I have had this issue as well and found that I could fix this by repairing my Visio installation.
Pieter-Jan Vuylsteke [SLC] [DevOps Member] Posted new comment 16th March 2022

Thanks Thomas for the quick feedback! That did the trick 🙂 !