Hi Dojo,
I'm getting the following alarm in Visio:
"The number of retrieved indices for a single parameter was larger than the maximum allowed number. Only showing the first 10"
But my trend is only showing 2 indices and the exact 2 which I'm looking for. Can I deactivate this alarm with a setting?
What's happening here is that likely the variable is not filled in when the shape is first initialized, causing the call to be for "*Main*" indices. Those will probably result in a lot of trend graphs to show.
Right after the right variable comes in, only resulting in a single entry matching the wildcard.
Probably this can be fixed with some changes in configuration, but it would also be interesting to hide the information message when the dynamic parts change again.

If your value has no placeholders in it, you can use InitVar directly on the page. If that’s not an option, I believe you could solve it by leaving the execute sets on init, but also adding an initvar which initializes the variable to something that is NOT in your table (yielding no results from the call).
Again though, this is a use case that could be handled better by the code, as it does multiple calls to the server in any case, half of which are unnecessary.

I’m not using something from a table. I’m just using this:
Execute: Set|PageVariable|varChannelName|[property:CHANNEL_NAME]|SetTrigger=ValueChanged
Just because I can’t used the property in the trend component.

Yeah, there is a property in there, which needs to be retrieved asynchronously. The trend graph will load with the variable empty and thus the wildcard *Main*. Try setting the page variable with InitVar to something invalid and see if that fixes it?

Hi Toon, thank you it’s working to initialize the variable with invalid text!
Hi Toon, I’m writing the variables directly with page data and ExecuteSetsOnInit. So I don’t think there is a faster way, isn’t it?