Hi Dojo,
I have configured the following regex in my visio as the Shape Text. Adding [Name] however pulls back the name of the element. How do I write this to instead populate the value of a parameter? Thanks 🙂
Hi Carys,
If I understand your question well, you would like to have the parameter value as the input of your ReGex instead of the element name.
In this case, you can simply use an asterix '*'. If your shape wouldn't be linked to a parameter, you could also make use of the Param placeholder, but this is not necessary here.
Kind Regards,

What value do you see when you simply put the asterisk in there without anything else?
Any chance that the separators of the RegexReplace are messing up the different arguments? In case a comma would be part of your parameter value, you could replace the separator: [RegexReplace:[Sep:,#]x#y#z]

When I just have the asterisk and nothing else, I get the same result as having the regex and asterisk (e.g. with: 2 001 without: 2 001)

Hi, Carys. I’ve sent you an e-mail but haven’t received a reply. If the issue is still present feel free to provide more details.

Hi Jarno,
Sorry for the delayed response! I ended up being able to resolve this by using the Param Placeholder you referenced above – Thank you for that. I wasn't able to make it work with the * though.
Hi Jarno,
Thank you for your response. When I put and asterix in the Shape Text, the regex does not apply to the parameter name.
This regex expression removes the first two characters from a string, this technically works when I use [Name] and removes the first two characters of the element name but when I apply and asterix I get the whole param value back.
Many thanks,