We have implemented a representation of a videowall, where each object is a DataMiner service with the name of the TV channel. There are hundreds of channels, so it would be nice to have a search box where you can enter a name to have the related DataMiner service object highlighted in the Visio.
Is there a standard way to do this with the current features? Is there a workaround?
The only solution I can think of, is building an element with a table containing all the names of the services, xpos and ypos and a display enable/disable. Displaying that table with the enable/disable in the Visio and doing a dynamic positioning with a subscriptionfilter on the enable/disable column.
But that involves making a new protocol...
I believe what is shown in the screenshot below is more or less what you're looking for.
Whenever a search term ('NatGeo' in the example) is entered in the filter box, the service shapes with a matching service name are highlighted by making all other service shapes semi-transparent.
This can be achieved using the Visio 'Highlight' feature:
Create regular service children shapes like you've already done.
Make those children shapes semi-transparent (or any other style which you like to apply to the shapes when the filter is NOT matching).
Add following shape data:
Field: Highlight
Value: Name=.*[var:Query].*
Create a separate shape, and apply the style you want to see when there IS a match. To this shape, add following shape data:
Field: Options
Value: HighlightStyle
Add another shape which represents the filter box. To this shape, add following shape data:
Field: SetVar
Value: Query
Field: SetVarOptions
Value: Control=SearchTextBox|TextBoxInfo=Search
More info can be found in DataMiner Help, section 'Conditional shape highlighting'

Thank you Ruben. After some trial and error it works great.
As a note: it doesn’t work on subshapes in a group, the Highlight needs to be on the group itself, and of course the highlightstyle is then applied to all shapes in the group.
With some tweaking I got an acceptable result though.