Is there any way to give a group (that is being positioned dynamically within a grid) a background colour or to create a shape within the group that will stretch to fill the size of the parent.
Additionally, does anyone know if it is possible to have a grid layout within a group or shapes?
Many thanks!

Hi Oliver,
There currently is no way to let groups scale or to let a child in a group scale to the size of the grid cell.
You already came up with the same workaround I was going to suggest (creating new shapes and using the order within the page to stack them).
We also have no way to nest grids although I can definitely see a use for this. Feel free to create a feature suggestion for this.
For background of the group I have worked around by adding a new shape which is also in the grid with the same positions as the group and order sent to back. This achieves the same effect visually!