I am attempting to create a simple dashboard in Visio so that operators can turn Lexi encoders on and off for close captioning. I am pulling the button in from the element by using a childtype row. I have confirmed that the driver is functioning correctly on the element by turning an encoder on and off, but I can not get the button to work on my dashboard and am not sure what I am missing. Below are screenshots of the shape data for the button as well as the dashboard and element.
Shape Data:
Can you please check if the button works when you add following shape data - in addition to 'ParameterControl' - on the shape?
Label: ParameterControlOptions
Value: IncludeWrite

Ruben, thank you for this suggestion. I just tried this and it did not work. I read up on IncludeWrite and it says to only do it if you link a read parameter and there is no need if the linked parameter is a write parameter.