I am curious, in ahem other matrix control systems I have been able to create virtual "devices" with both an input and output. is it possible to achieve something like that out of the box in Dataminer?
for example this could be a use case:
where one source is connected to a virtual destination and this is connected to several destinations, so you would only have to change the inout to the virtual function in order to route to all destinations.
one of the use cases I am working with now is more like this:
I want to separate the routing stage and the switch into two different operations, so an operator can route (to a virtual destination) in the router control app, and then make the switch between the sources later using a Visio.
I ask because I don't see how I can achieve this without making changes to the matrix elements I/O tables.
appreciate any input as always.
Hi Martin,
Personally, I'm only aware of the "follow" functionality on a matrix control. However, I'm not that familiar with the router control that can be used even without a matrix control. There should be a more complete answer by someone else soon.