What's the best method for displaying a video thumnail for a udp stream?
VLC can play the stream, but how do we get VLC working nowadays?
I also looked into using the Lua webinterface for VLC. That one however requires Flash, which is end-of-life.
I have the feeling there's no good way to display these streams at the moment?
Hi Jeroen,
VLC can still be embedded in a visual overview.
There are a couple of points of attention to get it working:
- When using a 64-bit Cube (with the launcher), a 64-bit version of VLC is needed on the client.
- The VLC component can not be embedded in the Chromium engine, it only works in the Internet Explorer engine. This can be configured in 2 ways, either a global setting in system center -> plugins or with the "UseIE" option on the Visio shape that has the "link" to the Video player.

Note that IE is also end of life. In the future we might have to integrate VLC directly into Cube. Although more ideal would be to only use streams that are supported by web browsers, so that you no longer have to depend on additional plugins like VLC and that it also works on any type of device.
True, but Microsoft mentions support until at least the end of 2029. So the current setup should still work for quite some time.

I think recently Microsoft has uninstalled IE from my pc and now I’m no longer able to use this solution.
We need a solution to do UDP streams
The UseIE did the trick