I'm trying to update my DM agent to version from During the update i get the following error.
- Prerequisite VerifyNoLegacyReportsDashboards.dll failed: The system contains one or more legacy reports or legacy dashboards which might still be used. Either delete those first, or activate the soft-launch flag to keep on using the Legacy Reports and Dashboards. See https://aka.dataminer.services/VerifyNoLegacyReportsDashboards for more info.
- One or more prerequisites failed
I do not want to delete the dashboards existing under this module.
As per the suggestion, i have added the Reports and dashboards feature to my SoftLaunchOptions.xml. Even after doing so i get the same error. I have run the configure IIS file post addition and have made sure to restart DMA and my server.
Softlaunchoptions.xml looks as follows:
Any way to know why i still get the error?
Hi Kumar,
Activating soft-launch options | DataMiner Docs
i kindly ask you to double check the following:
- did you restart DataMiner after adding or modifying the softlaunch options?
- did you create a file with extension "xml"?
- probably you have a cluster, did you restart all agents after the changes?
If the documentation was followed, the points above done, IIS restarted and still does not work, the recommendation is to send the issue to techsupport@skyline.be
Please inform the time you performed the update and the error you had.
Also take a LogCollector package (Collecting data to report an issue to Technical Support | DataMiner Docs) from the orchestrator agent, if your system is cloud connected, just inform the agent for remote log collection.
kind regards,