I need to show a shape when a Parameter shows "ST-PT" but the Parameter contains multiple tags such as "Shuffled;ST-BT;ST-PT"
Im trying to use the following shape data using a wild card either side of "ST-PT" so whenever this is present the shape will show but it would seem wildcards used like this wont work. Is there a fix or a work around that will allow me to show the shape?
Show [sep:-^]<A>^A|Element:swic9ips03agr (Application)|Parameter:6008,DolphinStream-03/MetadataProbe-01/Audio Shuffler-01|=*ST-PT*
Hi Chris,
I don't believe the wildcards will work.
A better solution would be to use a regex.
[sep:-^]<A>^A|Element:swic9ips03agr (Application)|Parameter:6008,DolphinStream-03/MetadataProbe-01/Audio Shuffler-01|Regex=.*ST-PT*.
Hi Ive, I also need to use the show when something is not equal. Tried using google suggestions and Regex!=.*ST-PT.* but getting strange results. Would you know what the correct syntax would be for not equal to in this case? Thanks