I created an automation script and compiled it as a library, but I needed to edit it and it seems that the changes were not compiled. It looks like the scripts that use this compiled automation are using the "previous version". What can I do to solve this?
Thank you!

Yes, it’s still valid, I just changed one line.
This has already happened to me before, I will try to restart the DMA
I have the same situation.
Updated method on the compiled script and it does not seem to be updated in the scripts that are using it.
DataMiner (
Is there another alternative other than restarting the DMA?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Maximilliano,
Most probably you need also to recompile the automation script that consumes such library (for that you can simply add a space or a comment and save it).
I believe this is not necessary in most recent versions of DataMiner, but in an older version, it might be necessary.
Kind regards,

Hi Flavio,
I could solve it by restarting the DMA. Anyway, thanks for your tip!
Thank you!
As long as your script validates it should rebuild automatically when you make adjustments. Did you verify that the script still validates?