Hello DataMiner Dojo community,
Recently, I discovered from one of the severs that when opening the Client test tool, I encountered the error as shown below:
(error reads: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.)
The DMA setup is with the failover pair.
DMA version: 10.3 CU2
Is there any files or configuration I should check to resolve the issue?
Thank you for the help.
Could you copy-paste the full stacktrace of the exception? This may indicate the exact assembly that could not be loaded.
Are the following 2 files present in the C:\Skyline DataMiner\Files\ folder?
I was able to simulate this by removing Newtonsoft.Json.dll from the folder. Can you check that file is present and has Fileversion ?
The file is present and version is
DataMiner 10.3.0 CU2 ships with version so I would expect more problems running the software. Can you check in the progess.log of the upgrade to 10.3.0 CU2 (if still available) if there were any errors replacing this file?
Hello Bert,
in the progress.log, I saw the following which could be the root cause of the issue:
192.168.*.*|2023-08-03 12:18:52|notice|Failed to extract ‘FilesNewtonsoft.Json.dll’: Access is denied. (FileException)
192.168.*.*|2023-08-03 12:18:52|progress|A retry will be done in 5 seconds
192.168.*.*|2023-08-03 12:18:57|error|Failed to extract ‘FilesNewtonsoft.Json.dll’: Access is denied. (FileException)
192.168.*.*|2023-08-03 12:18:57|progress|Unable to extract file. Attempting to extract with .SLNew suffix instead
Hello Bert,
For the exception, I have updated in my post.
The following 2 files – SLAnalyticsTypes.dll and SLCcaEndPointTypes.dll are present in the C:Skyline DataMinerFiles as well.