Hi Team,
I am moving my LCA from one DMS(dev) to another DMS(Stage), to do so i have exported the LCA as .dmapp package and installed the package in stage using Client Test tools. Now i could not see the LCA application in my DMS. Am i missing any steps? Please let me know

As this question has now been inactive for a very long time, I will close it. If you still want more information about this, could you post a new question?
Are both systems on the same dataminer web version? Deploying an app from a newer version on an older system could cause serialization problems and is often a reason why an app does not show up on the landings page.
Things you can check: was the app correctly deployed (does the folder exist in C:/Skyline DataMiner/applications/your-app-id) ? Was there already another app present on your staging with the same name or ID? Were there security restrictions applied on the original app?
Hi Hari,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If not, could you select the answer (using the ✓ icon)?