Is there any way to Trigger the MUltiple set option using C# script, if yes then what is the command/syntax and what are the required libraries?

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Hello Syeda,
I think what you are looking for is the SetMultipleParametersMessage SLNet message, that allows you to set multiple parameters. You can build the message in the SLNetClientTestTool.
What you will need to specify is the DmaID, Element ID and Param ID. In case it is a table you can specify also the RowIdx, TableIndexPreference and then the Value.
You can play around building the message going to the "Build Message" tab using the Client Test tool and see what configuration works for you.
Here is an small example on how you can use it
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages;
Parameter[] parametersToSet = new[] {
new Parameter
DataMinerId = 737,
ElementId = 3,
ParameterId = 102,
RowIdx = "3",
TableIndexPreference = SetParameterTableIndexPreference.ByPrimaryKey,
Value = new ParameterValue(21), //New value here. Can also be string or double
};var setParams = new SetMultipleParametersMessage
Parameters = parametersToSet,
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