Hi everyone!
working on the Tree Controls, we have observed, that the Tree Control ignore the second or the third table. When we change the order, the first table is just the only one that are shown on the tree control structure. The extra thing is, in the Extra Tabs, the alarms are shown correct.
We have three diferents typs of Frame Synchronizer Cards, not always are the three typs in a Frame but sometimes they are. At the image below, there are two of three.
These cards are correctly shown at the Tree Control and recognized at the Extra Tabs.
But when we select one typ in the Tree Control structure, it show no details.
Under Table 12900, (Frame Synchro Links Complete) are the three differents Frame Synchro Cards: 200, 230 & 260. The order they are listed is very important, because just the first one typ, in this case the 260, is the only one listed in detail in the Tree Control.
The order of the relations here is irrelevant. I have already check the M:N Relations Examples and I am not able to find out, where is the probleme. Any tips are welcome.
Hi Francisco,
An advanced hierarchy with multiple child tables for the same parent table, requires a condition that specifies from which table the children should be taken.
Is there a column in table 12900 that indicates which indicates the type of the frame synchronizer card? Then you could do something like this inside the Hierarchy tag:
<Table id="12900" />
<Table id="260" parent="12900" condition="12902:pvd5822d" />
<Table id="230" parent="12900" condition="12902:pvd5840uo" />
<Table id="200" parent="12900" condition="12902:pvd5840d" />
See the following page for more information: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/devguide/Connector/UIComponentsTreeControlAdvancedHierarchy.html

Hi Tom,
issue resolved! It´s works. Thank you very much.

You’re welcome! I’m glad I was able to help.
Hi Tom,
It make sense. I will try it. thanks for the tip.