Hi. My question is similar to https://community.dataminer.services/question/ateme-titan-live/?hilite=titan+live. The ETR 290 statistics are available in Titan Live web GUI and Titan Live API, but they don't seem to be available in the Dataminer protocol - we use v4.0.3.1 as production, I also checked the latest v4.0.4.4.
This is a sample GET call:
And this is the response:
"EtrStatistics": [
"ContinuityCountErrors": 0,
"ContinuityCountFailover": 184,
"PatMissingErrors": 14,
"PidErrors": [
"errors": 8,
"id": 57
"errors": 8,
"id": 60
"errors": 8,
"id": 62
"errors": 8,
"id": 63
"errors": 8,
"id": 75
"errors": 5329155,
"id": 1006
"errors": 8,
"id": 1731
"PmtMissingErrors": 13,
"SyncByteLossErrors": 0,
"TSSyncLossErrors": 20,
"TotalContinuityCountErrors": 240
I'm quite suprised this information is not available in Dataminer, as it's essential for troubleshooting IP transcoding jobs. Could somebody have a look please? I'll raise this issue with our Account Manager as well, but I guess posting here might be benefical for other customers. Thanks.

It looks like this question has already been answered in the comments. This is a pro forma answer to make it possible to mark the question as resolved.
Hi Adam,
Thanks for your post, a new task was created to tackle this issue, we will take it from there.