Wonder if you can help me out with the following issue:
Group 3 is getting stuck.
It's a DVE driver with SNMP and three HTTP connections.
The timer gets the info from those connections polling the groups set there. Each group polls an HTTP session in order to get the information. Not all the sessions have to have a response; it depends on the card's device setup, so it normally responds to two out of the three connections, as you can see in the next image:
In the stream viewer no info appeared from group 3, but in the pending calls from that element, the timer 1 and group 3 got stuck.
So, what can I do in order to fix this behavior?
More detail images about the driver:
The problem with this stuck group is that no other actions calling groups could take place in the normal flow of the driver.
Are there dependencies on the group 3? Maybe there are some triggers before or after this group causing long lasting actions?
Since you don't see the session passing by with the streamviewer, I would probably use Wireshark to troubleshoot this.
If you see the session passing by in Wireshark then most probably you might be able to learn from that. (Maybe the device doesn't respond or maybe the device keeps sending data).
With this information you should be able to determine if the Get request is still valid. This could indicate the request you are sending is wrong or not matching the firmware.
If you have doubts you could also try the command from outside DataMiner by using a HTTP tool (E.g. Postman). This way you will be able to further pinpoint if the issue is device/system related or protocol related.
Please share your results, so we can further assist you on your quest. Good luck!

Also something you could already verify: Is your processing QAction on the response of this session triggering? You can easily test this by adding a log line at the start and end of your QAction.
In case your code get’s stuck in an infinite loop, it could also explain why Group 3 is kept “open”. Because the parameter change due to the session response triggering the QAction is also a dependency from your group 3. So as long as these actions are not completed, Group 3 is not finished.