Hi Dojo,
Dealing with a specific HTTP protocol - essentially, through the same API & port
I can get both some "500" replies
and some "200" for other parameters:
In such a case, what would be the expected behaviour in a standard DataMiner protocol?
Would the "200" data act as some some sort of "keep alive" against the timeout interval, or is there the possibility to handle the "500" replies to always trigger a timeout, despite the other groups receiving all the expected data?
Hi Alberto,
Since all responses are retrieved via the same protocol connection, the "200"-replies will indeed give the element a "still alive" indication. And even when a previous request would trigger the timeout conditions as configured in the element wizard (retries, ...) getting a response will put the element back out of that timeout.
Additionally, this is how DataMiner will behave on the received status code:
- Everything in range of 2xx: OK
- Everything in range of 3xx:
- When location response header is returned, automatically redirect (301: Moved permanently, 303: See other, 307: Temporary redirect, ..) which in return will give you back a 2xx, 4xx or 5xx. (sidenote: redirection is done automatically, unless customRedirect is specified in the communication options. When custom redirect is set, you’re completely in charge of the redirection, when nothing is done, the element will timeout)
- When no location response header is returned (300: Multiple choices, 306: Unused), the element will timeout.
- Everything in range of 4xx: TIMEOUT
- Everything in range of 5xx: TIMEOUT

Thanks for this summary of the possible cases, Mieke – extremely useful.
Marking this as solved