The company rebranded and I need to change the name at the top of the surveyor tree.
Does changing the system name under (Agents --> System --> System Info Name)
have any effect on the system other than a name change?
I wanted to double-check that it has no adverse effects on databases or other system properties.
Hi Nathan,
Changing any items under the Agents>System>System Info Name will not have any impact in your system. Usually this information is used when you generate reports.
So you can go ahead with these changes.
Kind regards,

I implemented this change on the system as part of the name change.
Everything went smoothly, except it created an alarm storm with every active alarm getting a new ID with a Change from the top of the tree. Not a biggie, but it did cause a bit of a panic. Something to be aware of if you plan on name-changing. PS, we normally have 1200-1600 active and tagged alarms in the system all of the time.
Thanks Stacey