Hi All,
We have some Windows Server Monitoring elements which displays data such as disk space, memory usage etc.. which uses the SNMP protocol.
We have successfully got this monitoring element working for elements monitoring the local host in the IP, but elements in a failover pair it is unsuccessful at displaying data setting the IPs to the machine names instead of using "localhost". Is there any set up that is required to for windows monitoring elements in failover pairs?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Ryan,
It could be possible that you'll need to allow the SNMP ports in the Windows firewall. Windows has two firewall rules named 'SNMP Service (UDP in)' which should be enabled to allow remote SNMP calls. Could you verify these are enabled?
You could also use a tool like NMAP to verify the SNMP ports are open (udp 161, udp 162).
Hope this helps

Both will likely need to be enabled. Can you try if that helps?
Thanks Jens, I have applied those changes to both machines, however still no data coming in. One other thing that was noted is that enableDataMinerAgentPolling in the Dataminer.xml file should be set to false in order to enable remote machine monitoring too. I shall apply that and let you know what happens. Thanks!

any luck so far? We are interested in monitoring both our DMAs in our failover pair as well – so far only monitoring is working, but that does not give us the full picture, obviously.
What worked for me was the following:
Navigate to the Services page on both machines that are in the failover pair.
Right Click on SNMP Service and open up the properties.
On the Agent tab ensure all checkboxes are selected under the Service heading.
Under Security add “public” to the “Accepted community names”
Under “Accept SNMP packets from these hosts” add the remote ip of the machine you want to monitor, the local ip of the current machine and the name of the machine you want to monitor and the name of the current machine. Also add in the corporate ip of both machines.
Thanks for your answer. So looking at the Firewall settings, I see that SNMP Trap Service (UDP In) is on port 162 and is not enabled currently.
However SNMP Service(UDP In) is enabled on port 161. Is it you recommendation that both these settings are enabled and not just the SNMP Service (UDP In) one?