Dear Dojo Community members,
At our DMS, we have a SRM booking system which is stored in an Elastic indexing database. The amount of bookings is quite big. As users, we are interested to see the total amount of bookings or the total amount of bookings from a certain start date. With GQI, we are able to retrieve all bookings, but due to the huge amount of bookings it is not performant. We are wondering if there is a more performant way to be able to get the information we want.
Can someone help us with this, please?
Hi Cian Hao,
The Get Bookings GQI query has been optimized, since DataMiner 10.4.2, to specifically count the number of bookings that were filtered. The count aggregator should be applied the ID column of the booking to be optimized.
hi Joachim, I was able to convert the query in the example using the ConvertQueryToProtoJson web method. So I would expect it can be used in the Data Aggregator. I wasn’t able to test it out unfortunately.
Thank you, Peter, for this clarification. To be honest, we did not know of this useful feature that was released in 10.4.2. Very interesting. It’s something that has its use cases in many production systems.
I also assume it can be automated by converting the GQI query into a query that can be used and scheduled via the Data Aggregator.
Kind regards,