When a booking is in the partial or on hold state, are the resources against them available to use on another booking?
Also how do you put a booking into quarantine if there is a contention, but you want the booking to show up in the booking manager?
Hi Phil,
When resources are part of a booking in partial or on-hold state, they won't be available for another overlapping booking ( assuming their concurrency is 1 ).
A booking can go to quarantine for several reasons. Here are main cases :
- capabilities update : you update the capability of a resource in a way that it does not longer match with the required capability you've defined in booking making use of that resource
- capacities update : you reduce the capacity of a resource so that it can no longer provide the required capacity defined in a booking making use of that resource
- timing update : you update the timing of a booking so that it now overlaps with another booking making use of that resource ( assuming concurrency value is 1)
However, you can't decide yourself to move a booking to quarantine.
Bookings in Quarantine should show up in the Booking Manager App, if the filter is correctly configured.

Correct! If you want that non-confirmed booking do not reserve resources or capacity on resources, then you will have to unassign all resources from that booking.
So if we’d want the booking information in SRM for none confirmed events we’d have to have no resources assigned to them to prevent any capacity issues?
I was going off error messages we get on the current system, when we’re getting resource capacity issues (which get resolved closer to the event by our bookings team at the moment)
TraceData: (amount = 1)rn – ErrorData: (amount = 1)rn – ResourceManagerErrorData: ErrorReason: ReservationUpdateCausedReservationsToGoToQuarantine, rnMustBeMovedToQuarantine: Reservation 7408225b-6ed0-4562-8b63-0425cf9a03aa – Ch31 | Quarantined usages: nResource used:a82ead6b-51ef-4767-8ec1-ad83090c3622 must be quarantined because:ReservationInstanceUpdated: 7408225b-6ed0-4562-8b63-0425cf9a03aaResource used:603e2a4f-e862-4713-85d5-e4536e2becd1 must be quarantined because:ReservationInstanceUpdated: 7408225b-6ed0-4562-8b63-0425cf9a03aarnrn”}