Hi All,
I am trying to set a Profile Instance to optional by setting IsProfileInstnceOptional property to true, using the following link https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Standard_Apps/SRM/srm_advanced_config/Service_Orchestration_advanced/Service_Orchestration_profile_instances.html.
However when confirming a booking and setting the resource that should be optional to "No Resource" it comes back with:" Function TAG Backup Resource assignment is mandatory but no resource was assigned".
Even though I set the Profile Instance of TAG Backup to optional in the Services > Definitions tab.
Does anyone know how to truly make a resource optional?
Do you want to make an Resource optional or an profile instance?
In case of an Resource in an service defintion you need to add
under properties:
Options: optional
Then the resource will be optional and you can then choose the No resource.
Will try that, thanks.
What is the reason for the IsProfileInstanceOptional in the same property list?

That is for when you want to select an resource but not an profile (book the resource but the profile needed is not yet clear, but the resource is booked)
Thanks Garwin, it’s the resource that we want to be optional