Hi Dojo,
I have some contributing resources that aren't linked to an element anymore. When I try to delete them, a popup is shown that this isn't possible because the resource has bookings in the past.
What is the procedure to have these resources removed from my system?
Hi Jens,
Not being able to delete a resource only used in part bookings will be fixed in DMA 10.2.10.
Even with that feature, you won't be able to delete that resource because the associated Element is unreachable. This has been introduced to prevent having inconsistent setups(RN33415).
In your case, your setup is already inconsistent and you'll have to use SLNet Client Test tool (Advanced>Apps> ResourceManager App) to remove that resource.

As we have seen together, you’re using an older version of DMA , that does not have that option to delete a resource from the ResourceManager App in SLNet Client test tool ( Advanced>Apps>ResourceManager App ).
When using SLNet messages to delete a resource, enabling the relevant options should delete the resource.
Hi Emmanuel,
When I try to do this, I get error ResourceDeleteInUseOrMaintenanceMode.