Hi, we have a main and failover setup of DMAs. 5 DMA in main cluster and another 5 DMA in failover cluster. So which IP i should configure in Trap receiver side in the elements. Is it the main DMA IP and the failover pair of the DMA. so total of 2 IPs i need to add in the device's end.
What happens in case of the DMA IP which i have added goes down? Will the device switch to the failover DMA to be polled by or will it get switched to another DMA in the same cluster.
Hi Ashwini, when setting up a failover pair, you should have a virtual IP (Failover configuration in Cube).
This virtual IP will point to the active DMA of the pair and can be used as the entry point for Cube connections, traps, etc.
Once an active DataMiner Agent receives a trap, it will be distributed within the cluster to the agents hosting the applicable elements.

You could add more than one of the Virtual IPs in case on of the failover pairs goes down, but it’s not required to add all of them since SNMP traps will be shared amongst the agents within the cluster. I believe there is a mechanism in play that will drop duplicate SNMP traps before they are sent to the elements, but would have to check my sources to be sure on that.

Hi, Is there any update?
Hi Ashwini, it looks like I was mistaken. Only SNMP Inform messages are checked if they have been processed by that agent already (RN29034, 10.1.4/10.1.0CU2), but this happens before the distribution step. So if configuring multiple DataMiner agents as receivers, your element will get the trap multiple times. However, this isn’t an issue in most scenarios I believe, and just causes additional processing.
So, i should be adding all the Virtual IPs in the devices trap receivers ?