Hello team. first time here.
I am developing a connector and make all layouts and now getting ready to populate with SNMP mibs.
My issue is that in my Dataminer instance (in my PC) I am getting always timeout messages.
However from the same PC I am running IReasoning MIB Browser and I can get data without problems.
As the IP address, communities and SNMP version are the same in both tests any suggestion why Dataminer is giving timeouts and ireasoning is working without issues?
Hi Hugo,
Given that you have already checked the basic settings, I would guess the difference could be in how long DataMiner waits for a reply compared to iReasoning.
I am not sure if you noticed how long the reply takes in iReasoning but it could be something to double-check.
By default, DataMiner will use 1500ms for the timeout of a single SNMP command. Could you try increasing the timeout time in the element settings to about 10 seconds (10000ms)?

Are you polling on iReasoning from the same server as DataMiner is running or is it a different one?
You mention you cannot TNC but have you tried to ping the device or do you know if the device is reachable from the DataMiner server or could there be some firewall rules blocking the access?
Hi João,
confirmed Ireasoning timeout settings are also 10s.
Changed settings in CUBE to same 10s but no luck.
I have noticed that I can't to a tnc to the SNMP ports in the same lan where i have cube and unit but as SNMP is using UDP and tnc uses TCP I didn't paid too much attention to this.