Hi Dojo,
In SLGSMGateway logging, we notice the following error frequently appearing :
Error while sending SMS stack update to SLNet
May I ask if this a known issue that has been fixed or that needs to be fixed ?

Hi Ruben, some users were unable to receive SMSes;
2022/03/02 00:17:20.732|SLGSMGateway|4152|27140|Debug|DBG|-1|Error while sending SMS stack update to SLNet
2022/03/02 00:17:20.732|SLGSMGateway|4152|27140|Info|INF|-1|Trying to send Message to User ‘****Sumit.Tu****’: Telnr ‘+91917970****’: ‘3/2/2022 12:15:20 AM, AMOS17_DVBS2X, Network US Total = 0.000 kbps (Critical)'(1 of 1) (bPagerMessage = FALSE).
2022/03/02 00:17:20.765|SLGSMGateway|4152|27140|Debug|DBG|-1|Error while sending SMS stack update to SLNet
2022/03/02 00:17:20.765|SLGSMGateway|4152|27140|Info|INF|-1|Trying to send Message to User ‘****Sumit.Tu****’: Telnr ‘+91917970****’: ‘3/2/2022 12:17:20 AM, AMOS17_DVBS2X, Network US Total = 0.000 kbps (Critical)'(1 of 1) (bPagerMessage = FALSE).
Hi Arunkrishna,
That is a known issue that should have no impact on the main SMS functionality. The error is logged when the SLGSMGateway process tries to send an update to the SLNet process with the list of SMS messages that are currently waiting to be sent out. For some reason, this keeps failing. The only side effect is that the 'SMS stack' list in Cube will remain empty. In most cases, there won't be enough messages on a stack to make this list useful. If this functionality would be of high importance, feel free to create a task for this & we will try to fix this a.s.a.p.

Thanks Thomas, I think we should be fine for now. 🙂

Hi Thomas, in mobile gateway, where can we check if a certain person is allowed or not to receive a message about an alarm on the DMA ?

Hi, could you clarify what ‘allowed’ means in this context, do you mean in general, or on an alarming level (does the user have access to that element)?
There are some security features built-in where you can define to who messages can be sent. You can choose between:
– Everyone
– All known users
– Custom list of phone numbers
You can checkout the docs page about this: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Modules/Mobile_Gateway/Configuring_Mobile_Gateway/Configuring_Mobile_Gateway_in_DataMiner_Cube.html#destinations

Hi Thomas, in this case a person who is not supposed to receive a sms, has received it. I checked the SLGSMGateway log and indeed I can see the sms has been sent to that person. So I want to know, how I can find if someone is supposed to receive a sms or not.
Are the SMS messages still being received correctly?