I have an alarm template with a relative alarm for video bitrate. One service that uses this template keeps setting its baseline value to 0.000 despite it's current value being 27.500. If I manually set the Baseline value to 27.500 it changes back to 0.000 after a short period...
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Dear Alex,
thanks for your question. I saw you mentioned in the title that you're talking about a smart baseline here. These baselines auto update themselves, so it seems to makes sense that the system overwrites any value that you manually give to the baseline. It does surprise me that the value resets to 0.00, not some other number different from zero. Could you send me a screen shot of your alarm template and the trend graph? Ideally, could you right click on the trend graph and hit "Export to CSV..." to extract the 5 minute history data (ie Type = 5 minute interval)? I can then try to figure out what is going on.
All the best,
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