Cutting right to the chase: In some elements and automation scripts we created and maintain ourselves we have the need to query some data from external databases (topology, offload, etc.). To achieve this we have been using the methods provided by Skyline’s SLDatabase.dll library. This works fine for the usual select queries we need to execute from such classes.
However we are, right now, faced with a strange situation that we’d need some feedback from the developer(s) of this library or someone else who could provide such feedback. Here is the situation:
A colleague of ours has developed an oracle SQL function that returns a cursor type. One way to execute such a function is to do a select query that looks like this: select function_name (input param 1, input param 2, …) from dual;
When we try this in oracle sql developer we see that the function executes fine and returns a valid result of the type cursor.
However if we try to execute this select query using the SLSql.Query method provided by SLDatabase it seems like we never receive a result back. This method works well when doing a "normal" select query from a regular table so my current suspicion is that this method might not support the cursor type. Either that or maybe a different method has to be used in this case.
Is it possible to get some feedback on this? Is there a way we can execute this query and retrieve the resulting cursor?
Here is a screenshot of the result in oracle sql developer.
Hello Tiago,
I don't think this kind of query is supported by our SLDatabase.DLL. I can only suggest to use the oracle driver. In SLDatabase.dll we use the oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll which is already present in the Skyline Dataminer Files.
The main goal of SLDatabase is to allow DataMiner to execute the queries it has to do on local/central databases. This query is not one of them, so we don't have any tests/support on this type of query.
Kind regards,