Hi, we have a 64GB file within SLNet which is causing problems. The file is called ReplicationBuffer and links to a replicated Element. Is it safe to just delete this file?

Yes, the replicated Element is is still polling and being replicated to the other server okay.
In any case you can inspect and stop the specific buffer following this procedure - Inspecting the active replication buffers | DataMiner Docs
Thanks. And then can I delete the large file?

Yes, stop the element, delete the file anyway.
Then to reduce the size of the buffer you can reduce or set the maxMinutesToBuffer in the relevant emlement.xml in c:Skyline DataMinerElements[ElementName]
Or follow the other procedure to inspect/disable the buffering if not needed.
Many thanks.
Is the replicated element still in existence? There have been issues noted that the buffer can sometimes grow out of proportion when the element is deleted.