In researching a different problem, I noticed in the SLDataMiner log the following entries repeated every minute since the last DMA restart (NOTE: I obfuscated the IP addresses to be safe):
2022/06/25 16:05:27.142|SLDataMiner.exe 10.2.2143.9720|7772|14544|CHardware::Init()|INF|-1|Add IP 100.x.x.140 ( on (0) (AdapterCount = 0) 2022/06/25 16:05:27.142|SLDataMiner.exe 10.2.2143.9720|7772|14544|CHardware::Init()|INF|-1|Index for adding is 3
The DMS contains 3 FO pairs running DM and all three have similar messages. That said, one of them also shows an ERR message about the Gratuitous ARP message failing to send:
2022/06/23 16:15:35.227|SLDataMiner.exe 10.2.2143.9720|5620|28856|CHardware::AddIPAddress()|ERR|-1|Failed to send out Gratuitous ARP message for added IP address 100.x.x.171. WinPcap is probably not installed on the system. (0xc0000135; C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools\SLSendGARP.exe 100.x.x.171 -if "rpcap://\Device\NPF_{60CBD3A3-D42B-4957-98CE-1189B3ED5861}") 2022/06/23 16:16:35.167|SLDataMiner.exe 10.2.2143.9720|5620|35764|CHardware::Init()|INF|-1|Add IP 100.x.x.171 ( on (0) (AdapterCount = 0) 2022/06/23 16:16:35.167|SLDataMiner.exe 10.2.2143.9720|5620|35764|CHardware::Init()|INF|-1|Index for adding is 2
Two questions:
- Is the issue that is generating the ARP message also causing the "Add IP" entries on the other DMAs or are the two things unrelated?
- Does the installation of WinPcap (or I suppose Npcap these days) require a DM restart?
Hi Jamie,
- The "Add IP" and SLSendGarp.exe logging are generated by the same code, so they can indeed be related.
- I was not able to test this, but I don't think installing WinPcap requires a DataMiner restart.
More information about the use of gratuitous ARP can be found here.

I can confirm installing Npcap works fine with SLSendGARP.
Installation did not required a reboot of the server.
Thanks Jens!