I was trying to access http://tools/Installers.html but i am not able to access this I tried from multiple networks also. I have attached the screenshot also.
I am trying to install SLC SE Repository Manager so is there any other way to install this.
Hi Ashok,
The SLC SE Repository Manager is only accessible to Skyline employees as it is an internal tool and as such I do not believe you will be able to access it (See the IMPORTANT notice on the top of this docs page SLC SE Repository Manager | DataMiner Docs)

We’re nearing the release of new tooling and CI/CD capabilities to automate publishing your artifacts to the catalog—expected within the next week or two. In the meantime, you can manually publish your items to your private catalog by following this tutorial using Postman: [Registration on Catalog Through Postman.](https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Cloud_Platform/Catalog/Tutorials/Tutorial_Register_Catalog_Item.html)
Stay tuned to the Dojo blog for exciting updates on this automated tooling!

do i need to place solution connector folder along with menifest.yml and readme.md files insize zip or need to use github link in menifest.yml file.
Thanks Severino. I have developed a New Driver/Protocol now what is the process to publish that on Catalog. If I can not use SLC SE Repository is there any other way to publish it on catalog.