I have an element that, when it goes into timeout, the visual parameter alarms are replaced with the generic timeout color.
Before the timeout, we see:
After the timeout:
Is there a way to keep the Visio shape alarm colors from overriding with the timeout?
Thanks in advance for any information.

Hey Pieter, I’ll send you the pictures as it doesn’t seem possible in a comment. I’ll also add them to the software task I created.
I believe this is not yet possible for elements and parameters.
For views and services, you are able to configure this in the MaintenanceSettings.xml.
<AlarmSettings serviceTimeoutMode=”displayTimeout” viewTimeoutMode=”displayBoth”>
- displayBoth (default): both alarmlevel and timeout level are visible
- displayTimeout: will be fully colored in the timeout color
Can you confirm that you have the correct colors in your Data display?