Hello Dojo,
After configuring a failover on mysql in 9.6 cu17 and waiting for the synchronization to finish Ive noticed that there is a file count difference in the SLDMADB folder and the failover sync status has a table count variance as well.
I have seen before that the backup agent has a few less tables than the primary for some reason.(Usually 2 tables) Maybe some tables don't get created until that agent has come online as the primary dma?
Should the file count and table count match completely in a newly configured failover mysql system?
All tables should get copied over, except for rep_prefetch_xxxx and empty tables.
For active elements, the missing data_x/dataavg_x tables will be created on the backup agent when either the element is restarted / the main agent is restarted, or after a switchover was done to the backup agent (causing the element to startup over there).
For stopped elements, the missing tables will be created on element startup (either on the main or backup agent)
A software issue task was created to also sync the empty tables as part of the initial sync.
Wouter, thank you for the reply, I am seeing many tables on the primary that have 0 rows and these tables are not created on the backup. I am guessing that because they are empty they are not created on the backup possibly until data comes in for them or if a failover switch occurs and these elements are loaded on the backup?