I'd like to set a parameter on an element available in my service. I tried using the wildcard in the Execute but that doesn't seem to work.
Also tried some other options to get the element ID there, but the only way it worked out was by hardcoding it.
Any way on letting the Execute know it should get the element from its parent shape?
Hi Peter,
Can you try using [this elementID] in combination with the ForcePropertyFromParent?
Should look something like this:
Set|[this elementID]|512|1|NoConfirmation
After taking a closer look, it was also necessary to add the NoCopyElementProperty option as well as making the child shape enabled. The shape data of the child shape should look as follows:
Execute Set|[This elementID]|512|1|NoConfirmation
Tooltip Stop Flow
Options ForcePropertyFromParent|NoCopyElementProperty
Enabled True

Indeed, the NoCopyElementProperty was missing. I’ve edited my answer.
hi Sebastiaan
I’m afraid it doesn’t.
When I add a shape that contains that same text, it get’s replaced correctly though.