Dear community,
I am working on a service visio on which I want to create a shape that - when clicked - opens the linked service/element in a new window. The ID of the DataMiner service/element is found in a table on the enhanced service (in the example below with parameter ID 103 - Element ID).
Currently I don't succeed in displaying such a shape.
I am using the following shape data on the shape I want to use to open the linked element/service
The shape is not displayed. I also tried to add "ForcePropertyFromParent" option while troubleshooting but without success.
Just putting the elementID hard coded in the Element shape data works off course but when trying to use the [param] & [this service] placeholder to get the ID of the element/service for the Element shape data value, nothing is displayed.
Finally the plan is to show these shapes based on Children of the row in this table but for the moment I am stuck with the basics to show a single shape with a fixed row key.
Any idea what I am missing? Or is this combination of Element shape data and [this service] in the value on a service visio not supported?
Note that I also tried
[param:[this service],103,DEMOD RÖDELHEIM M]
direct in the visio without any shape data but that also fails.
Hi Koen,
I didn't try it myself, but did you try replacing the [this service] placeholder with [This EnhancedServiceId]

Another long shot, but could you add this to your options value (with a pipe to separate it from the other options) AllowInheritance=False

Hi Ive,
Thanks for the help! Indeed “AllowInheritance=False” did the trick!
Just for completeness here is how it finally worked.
Shape data on Child level:
– ChildType: Row
– ChildMargin: 3
– Enabled: False
Then i created a subshape part of the child group with the shape to be clicked to open the element/service with the following shape data:
– Element: [param:[this enhancedserviceID],103,[tableindex]]
– Options: OpenInNewCard|AllowInheritance=False
– Enabled: True
Thanks again for your support
I did need to add that option not on the child group itself (where I have the ChildType) but on a subshape of that child group carrying the
Hi Ive,
Using [this enhancedserviceID] indeed solves the problem on the single shape :-).
Now the next challenge is to have this generated automatically based on the child rows of the table.
Currently I have the following shape data on Child level:
– Element: [param:[this enhancedserviceID],103,[tableindex]]
– Options: OpenInNewCard
– Enabled: True
– ChildType: Row
– ChildMargin: 3
I got my shapes but they are linked to the service itself iso of the service/element I want to link them to via parameter 103 of the enhanced service table.
Any recommendations here?