Hello all
I have a cluster of 4 dataminers, when applying a service template almost all services are created on the same Dataminer Agent (3), is there a way of controlling on which Dataminer to create the service when applying the service template ?
I thougth it migth be related to which one i was connected with Cube but I tried from Cube connected for example to Dataminer 1 but it still service gets created on 3.
How are the services assigned by Dataminer ?
Thanks a lot
I believe by default the hosting agent is automatically determined based on the elements included in the service.
Via the service template CSV file, you can assign an agent by adding a “forceDMA” column with the id of the agent.
In case the service is programmatically created via a 'TryCreateServiceMessage', this can be passed via an ExtraData array property. Add a TCSExtraData object in there with Name=”forceDMA” and Value=[dma id].

As additional info: when not using “forceDMA”, the hosting agent for a generated service is a decision based on where the majority of child elements/services live. Reasoning there is to limit the amount of inter-agent traffic of child elements bubbling up state to the parent service.
Thanks a lot for the clarification