Is it possible to create a serial connector that will interface with a device connected by USB to the dataminer server?
Some devices use a USB to serial adapter internally. In that case the connected PC indeed adds a COM port for that adapter. So if the device is directly connected to a DMA server, DataMiner will be able to communicate with that device.
If however the USB device does not have a serial adapter it will not be possible to communicate with that device directly.
In that case a layer in between is needed, some bridging code is needed.
On one side you'll have code to communicate with the device over the correct drivers, and on the other side you can expose an API that DataMiner can reach.
Preferably the manufacturer makes that available to us of course so that DataMiner can connect to an API on a server that has that device connected to it.
Hi Robbie,
Not sure about this, but I believe a USB gets mapped to a COM number on the server when plugged in. That is also visible in the Device Manager when plugging in the USB.
The COM is then also available as Serial port into the wizard. I did not test if communication works through this though.
Yeah I know about the COM port but I have no idea if the bus address has to be filled in.
The other settings can be found in the device manager but I don’t get any responses.
Currently my bus address is empty because I can’t fill in a string value (COM3).

Ok, guess that you’re quite close then. To me, using a bus address would not really make sense, as you’d only expect a single unit on the serial connection. Others can surely jump in here if we would have used that in the other connectors.
It’s indeed a USB device and sadly enough there is no decent documentation or API to use from the manufacturer. There are some 3th party APIs available from reverse engineering the communication