I am working on connecting a switch and monitor it using DataMiner. I worked on getting the switches information and it worked, now how do I start sending information to the switch? Or where do I start?
Thank you.

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Hi Jana,
There is quite a lot to explain here and depending on your use-case and expertise, I could come up with many different answer 🙂 but let me try to make some assumptions and answer as good as I can. Let me know if that helps.
Communication is typically done via group (defined in the protocol xml). In this case, I see you're referring to HTTP communication so such group will refer to http session within your protocol xml.
For the monitoring part, typically we want to poll data periodically so we typically use a timer which will execute groups which will execute HTTP sessions. Is that how you covered the monitoring part?
For the controlling part, things are a bit different cause you typically don't want those sets to happen on regular base but rather triggered by a use click or a user changing some parameter values. So your starting point will typically be such user-interaction rather than a timer.
Simple school-case (HTTP post has static URL and content): a user clicks a button, you can add a trigger on that button which will execute an action which will execute a group which will execute your http session.
Less simple but more classic use-case (HTTP has some variable parts depending on user input): a user sets a string param, on that string param you could trigger a QAction that will be responsible of preparing the POST command by filling in some parameters, then a trigger on the last parameter set could go off and execute an action which will execute a group which will execute an http session.
I think following DataMiner Docs page would be a good starting point for you: How to create an HTTP connector (CoinMarketCap use case) | DataMiner Docs
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