I need to send a .csv file to an API using a POST request. How can I do this using the <session> tag in the protocol? You can see below the CURL example:
curl -X POST https://[ip addrs]/api/v1/catalogs/imports?clean_catalog=1 -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F csv=@file.csv;type=text/csv
Thanks in advance.
Hi Maximiliano,
This would be done by setting the Request verb to POST, configure the url and headers accordingly, and configure a Data element to point at a parameter that can be set with the content of your csv file:
Implementing HTTP communication | DataMiner Docs
As to getting the file content into the data parameter, there is the read file action (read file | DataMiner Docs) that should be executed before the session is executed, or you use a QAction if the data needs to be altered first.

I replied below, I can’t add code here