While configuring the security settings I noticed below permission.
What does it enable? As far as I know it's not possible to execute bookings manually inside Cube without the SRM package installed. Will the SRM booking manager look at the security settings before allowing the user to create a booking?
Hi Jens,
Permissionsflag 'Bookings:Execute' is there to control allowing automation script triggering for a booking scope.
See DataMiner help for booking script support.
The SRM booking manager should look at the permission 'Bookings:Add' before allowing the user to create a booking.
Kind regards,
The permission Bookings:Execute would apply to allowing the user executing scripts from the contextmenu on a bookings shape. This is documented under section ‘Specifying custom actions in a Resource Manager component’, see DataMiner help : https://help.dataminer.services/dataminer/index.html?#t=DataMinerUserGuidepart_2visioEmbedding_a_Resource_Manager_component.htm&rhsearch=bookings&rhsyns=&rhhlterm=bookings.
Booking scripts functionality was introduced with : [RN19120] SRM: implement visio commands in ResourceManager