Triggered by customer interest, I would appreciate to learn if is there plans to extend the list of actions that are readily available in the DataMiner Automation scripting environment, with any if the below:
- Post a message to MS Teams
- Post to AWS SNS
- Post to AWS SQS
- Create issue in Jira
- Generic http POST or GET
If so, appreciated additional guidance towards actual (earlies) availability.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Dominique
do note that for the MS Teams integration we have a good solution already: ChatOps integrations. With this feature you can create teams, channels, add/remove members, send notifications...
If you would like to test it out yourself we have some documentation on GitHub with examples that you can easily try out yourself.
I hope this information helps you.
Most of the use cases you're indicating are about communicating with third party, which typically happens through a connector and 'simple' SetParameter methods in the Automation script.
These use cases are typically something which could be added in the catalog as base scripts that people can tweak to their needs. People would still have to create Elements to communicate with third party such as Jira or AWS.
The methods available on the Engine object provide a way to ie interface with Elements ( GetParameter, SetParameter, ...) in a standard way; however they are not meant to wrap custom implementation to communicate with third party system.