After updating to the newer version, the description column was not populating correctly. After a restart, all values were correct, but the Description values were gone.
Hi Yonal,
Since you mention the subtable polling option is used I assume it's an SNMP table you are referring to that's experiencing this issue.
Could you still provide some more information:
- Protocol Name
- Initial Protocol Version
- new Protocol Version
- Table ID

Hi Jelle,
Protocol Name: Evertz 7×00 General Platform
Initial Protocol Version:
new Protocol Version:
Table IDs: 14350, 14380, 14630, 14420, 14400, 1450, 14440, 14460, 14680
The issue is for the 7890MG cards.
I added the extra column to avoid the overwrite of the first column after the instances.

I’ve quickly checked the protocol and it seems that all tables you mention having this issue also have retrieved columns. Could you double check that these columns are still filled in correctly; since you added an extra column all previous column idx’s have been shifted which could cause the issue.
When you create an element using the latest version, every value is correct.
The issue happens when the customer goes from version to version using DataMiner 9.5
The problem you are experiencing is probably caused by the fact that when using the option ‘subtable’ in combination with the ‘instance’ option the instance of the table will be returned twice. Since you probably didn’t take this into account the second instance will be filled in into the description column in your case causing the issue. Could you verify this?