I am working with a matrix driver on which a router control app can perform some actions (e.g., Lock and Unlock outputs). In its current state, the drive is able to successfully lock and unlock the outputs through the Matrix, and such modifications can also be seen in the Router Control application.
Nevertheless, when performing the lock/unlock from the Router Control application, such actions are not performed on the device, since such actions are not sent to the device (at least are not shown on the stream viewer).
Considering this, and since this is my first matrix driver, may someone provide me with some pointers of where to look for the issue? For instance, which variable/parameters are used for biding the router control app with the driver?
(Note: I saw that the DiscreetInfo parameter/variable receives events from the router control.)

Hi Flavio,
Do I understand correctly that both from the Matrix UI or the Router Control, you can see the lock/unlock, but it's never set to the device?
If the DiscreetInfo parameter receives the event, then you will need to check the QAction that handles these events and verify that these specific changes are actually triggering any logic.
It could for example be that you can lock/unlock in DataMiner, but that this is something that the device itself doesn't support.

Hi Joey,
I should have provided more info regarding the tests already made (I apologize for that).
– When setting the lock/unlock from the matrix, the procedures appears to be successfully done. The action is sent to the device and the device acknowledges it.
– When setting the lock/unlock from the router control app, it appears that the action is not sent to the device.
After investigating why the above behaviour I saw that:
– When the set is done from the matrix the DiscreetInfo parameter has the value “Lock”, which triggers the required actions-
– When the set is done from the Router Control the DiscreetInfo parameter has the value “NoChange”, which “bypasses” the required actions.

I don’t have experience with the Router Control itself, but it does sound like an issue if the DiscreetInfo parameter doesn’t contain the correct info. I suggest to create a task to investigate this.
Providing more info regarding the tests performed:
– When setting the lock/unlock from the matrix, the procedures appears to be successfully done. The action is sent to the device and the device acknowledges it.
– When setting the lock/unlock from the router control app, it appears that the action is not sent to the device.
After investigating why the above behaviour I saw that:
– When the set is done from the matrix the DiscreetInfo parameter has the value “Lock”, which triggers the required actions-
– When the set is done from the Router Control the DiscreetInfo parameter has the value “NoChange”, which “bypasses” the required actions.