- How to tabulate the details from two different table?
- How to create the trend graph dashboard?
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 11th July 2023
Please share more details on Question 1
- what type of details would you like to tabulate, from which table
- where would you like this tabulated information to be displayed (in another column, table, Visio, etc)
- the request can be fulfilled in various ways, making it vital to have more information before a suggestion is made
2. There are various trend graphs that can be added to the Dashboard. Some examples are as follows:
- Aggregation Trend Graph
- Trend Parameter
- Trend Parameter with history
Please refer to the DCP Help for more information on adding a trend component to the Dashboard and for creating a new dashboard.
Jeyaram Sumanthiran Posted new comment 24th November 2020

On point no 2:
I am trying to add the trending graph for Nimbra element on dashboard. On element from DataMiner cube, I could trend the parameter with historical data. But when I add the parameter in dashboard with trend visualizations the data is not loaded, the graph seems empty without any data.