- How to tabulate the details from two different table?
- How to create the trend graph dashboard?
On point 2, you can use the Parameter Table component and drag the parameter with trending. After that, you can click the trending icon on the table, this would open the Monitoring app and display the trending chart.
Line Chart could not display the trending for parameter from a particular row in a table.
Please share more details on Question 1
- what type of details would you like to tabulate, from which table
- where would you like this tabulated information to be displayed (in another column, table, Visio, etc)
- the request can be fulfilled in various ways, making it vital to have more information before a suggestion is made
2. There are various trend graphs that can be added to the Dashboard. Some examples are as follows:
- Aggregation Trend Graph
- Trend Parameter
- Trend Parameter with history
Please refer to the DCP Help for more information on adding a trend component to the Dashboard and for creating a new dashboard.

On point no 2:
I am trying to add the trending graph for Nimbra element on dashboard. On element from DataMiner cube, I could trend the parameter with historical data. But when I add the parameter in dashboard with trend visualizations the data is not loaded, the graph seems empty without any data.