In order to enable remote Elasticsearch cluster on a DMA with local Cassandra, InstallElasticAndMigrateRequest message needs to be used as per the documentation at Installing Elasticsearch on a DMA via DataMiner | DataMiner Docs . This is the second bullet point from the bottom where it starts with "Unless your DataMiner System uses the Cassandra Cluster feature ...".
From what I understood, once we have the ES cluster is ready, we need to perform DB.xml changes and then the example script mentioned in the documentation. Is there anything else needed? If any of you used this process before then please educate us on this?
Hello Srikanth
The tool was not designed to do this but it's very much achievable. All you will need is a (single) Cassandra node that is reachable by all the DMA's in the DMS. This could even be a temporary VM which you can throw away once you are done.
So first, I advise to connnect the Elastics to the DMS. You can either do it by adding it to all DB.xml's manually and restarting all DMA's or by running the script as mentioned in documentation. I personally prefer the db.xml approach since a restart will ensure everything works correctly.
After that, you can run the migration tool, just fill out the Cassandra IP to the cassandra node and a dummy Keyspace name. All this will do, is create some keyspaces & tables. This will not migrate anything.
Then you can start migrating only the alarms by going into the details view of every agent and press start alarms. This will be quite clear when you get there.
Once it's finished, I highly advise to restart the DMS. After that, you can remove the single cassandra node we used as a dummy and you're done.
I’m trying to do this at the moment, but just get Cassandra RTEs