I have a customer with the following DMS setup.
4 DMAs servers + 2 Remote Cassandra (Linux):
- 2 Failover pairs with local ElasticSearch;
- 2 Remote Cassandra (Linux), 1 Cassandra server per FO.
So we need to have Cassandra backups.
This is being made by the Standalone Cassandra Backup Tool but we would like to store the snapshots in a different server, to be covered in case of catastrophe.
To facilitate snapshots management (delete the old ones), we're giving a name based on the current date.
Is there a way of compress (zip) all the tables snapshots in one folder and copy/move them to a different server?
Hi Luís,
As you indicated, the current backup tool can't move the created snapshots to a different server. An internal task was created to cover this request.
There are already some temporary tools available that we can provide that cover this request. However, they have not been officially released.
Feel free to create a task for your user to increase the priority to get these tools released officially.