Hi Guys
I want to use a regular expression in the SubscriptionFilter, but it is not recognized correctly.
Is it possible to use the following filter?
Parameters: A with Ethernet
Parameters: B is not blank
This didn't work well.
fullFilter=((A==Ethernet*) AND (B ==+))
Hi Yuki, regular expressions in the fullFilter are supported since 10.2.0/10.2.2. From that version onwards, it is possible to use regular expressions in this type of filter. For this purpose, use the REGEX keyword to indicate that the next part of the filter, enclosed in single quotation marks, is a regular expression.
Example from Dynamic table filter syntax | DataMiner Docs:
<code class="lang-txt">fullFilter=(512 REGEX '^(?:Zand|Ambachten)[\'\\\\]+straat' AND 510 == 1000)</code>
Then it's just a matter of composing your regex pattern, e.g. empty string can be recognized by ^$
Hope this helps you further,

Hi Yuki, the “t*” in your regex means that it must match the ‘t’ character one or more times. * is not a wildcard in the context of a regex. Could you please try the following:
fullFilter=(A REGEX ‘Ethernet(.+)’ AND B REGEX ‘^$’)

A and B should be a number, i.e. the parameter ID you would like to apply the filter on. Apart from that the SYNTAX seems to be correct.
I suggest you test out the regex patterns before directly applying them in the filter (e.g. website https://regex101.com). For the second part of your filter, I think you would like to have ‘not empty’, so that means my regex pattern is not what you are looking for. It was just to give an example.
I’m not an expert in regex patterns, but a quick look at stackoverflow gave me the following pattern for a non-empty string: (.|s)*S(.|s)* -> https://regex101.com/r/xZZRSC/1
The server is
Nothing is displayed.Am I doing something wrong?
fullFilter=(A REGEX ‘Ethernet*’ AND B REGEX ‘^$’)